
When planning a midwife guided homebirth, it’s natural to have many questions. While ‘the birth” is usually just one day, the transformation within you as you evolve from woman to mother is deep and everlasting. We are here to support you in having the best birth experience possible. Physically, pregnancy and birth are simple body processes and we are here as your guardians of safety walking with you through the journey of trusting the Creator, yourself, your child, and the body you live in.

Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for new and expecting parents to connect to pregnancy, birth and mothering as a transformative and sacred journey. The Midwife’s role is to guide you towards your own inner strength, and encourage you to tune into your innate wisdom where you have the power to joyfully embrace pregnancy, birth, and mothering as they unfold.

We look forward to walking the path with you...mind.body.spirit...baby.

Fees & Insurance

Out of pocket responsibility for concierge midwifery services are due during care
and any services billable to insurance will be submitted to your insurance company.

If you are due a reimbursement for any portion of your co-pay, your insurance company will notify us 6-12 months after the birth. (time frames of insurance claims is much longer since covid).

We accept CHM AND Samaritan Health Shares Your health-share will determine your responsibility and we will create an invoice for you to submit to your health-share on our behalf.

Labs and Scans will be billed to your insurance companies and other expenses will be limited to your birth kit and supplements. If you are uninsured we have access to discount lab services or can guide you to pregnancy Medi-Cal to have lab fees covered.

Early pay discounts may be available for the co-pay.

Medical Loans are available as well. you can apply here.